miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Asalto al Comite del Partido Comunista de Rumania.

#UndíacomoHoy en 1989 La República Socialista de Rumanía habia sido tomada por el Imperialismo que se asaltaron el Comite del Partido Comunista en Rumania, Ademas su Presidente Nicolae Ceauşescu y su esposa, serian asesinados tres dias despues por agentes del imperialismo quienes desmantelarían el socialismo en el país y lo acusaran en un Juicio sin ningun valor Legal.

Más: Chaves, Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela

#Onedayas Today in 1989 The Socialist Republic of Romania had been taken over by Imperialism, which was assaulted by the Communist Party Committee in Romania. In addition, its President Nicolae Ceauşescu and his wife would be killed three days later by agents of imperialism who would dismantle the Socialism in the country and accuse him in a trial without any legal value.

More: Chaves, Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela

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